Comprehensive refurbishment for Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna Kouvola

Kymen Seudun Osuuskauppa KSO

A pink beauty

The iconic pink Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna Kouvola was completely renovated in 2020–2021. Flock was in charge of the revamped concept and the interior design for the entire hotel.

The guest rooms, diverse conference rooms, gym and saunas, restaurants and lobby were given an entirely new look. The hotel’s functionality was significantly improved in the design by linking the various spaces in different wings of the hotel to form a streamlined whole. The hotel’s customers have been very pleased with the new Vaakuna.

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“Flock’s enthusiasm, creativity and passion for getting things done are reflected in all of KSO’s locations: Kotkan Seurahuone, Kouvolan Vaakuna, voted Conference Hotel of the Year, and most recently Tykkimäki Resort. They really listen to the client’s requests and also live up to them in an exemplary way, and even challenge the client if the situation calls for it. Excellent competence in creating a concept for a project before the actual design stage.”
Mikko Virtanen
Divisional Director