A cozy oasis for LähiTapiola

People sitting on the renovated terrace

Join us on the terrace

The foyer of the Hohka building, owned by insurer LähiTapiola, got a well-deserved uplift when the outdoor space next to the coffee shop was put to use. The brief was a vibrant, multipurpose outdoor terrace that would serve for as many months of the year as possible. The space needed to be a joy for users of the Hohka building. The result met the brief: a luscious oasis that offers visitors a chance to recharge their batteries. Enjoy the endless summer!

The design and choice of furniture took the outdoor weather requirements and sustainability considerations into account. The wood composite planks used in the decking is mostly wood: 60% was manufactured from wood fibre waste and 35% from recycled plastic, as the result of a long product development process.

The Ocean chairs on the terrace are exceptional because of their material: they are manufactured from ocean waste plastic and old fishnets. The Ocean chair range is built from sturdy recycled plastic slats, and the airy design is set off by the gunmetal finish frame.

Photos: Katmoons
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